Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Science Quiz

For the science quiz, I scored a 17/25

I found it funny because we had actually discussed some of the questions during tonight's lecture like the misconception about Christopher Columbus and the idea he thought the Earth was flat. Some of the questions that I got wrong that I learned from were:

I didn't realize that the moth larvae are the ones who ate clothes stored in the attic, I always just assumed it was the larvae.

I also learned that the cloud from a pot of boiling water in fact is not steam but rather condensing water vapor.

Back to the moths, I did not realize that they flew according to the pattern of the stars.

I think that this quiz would be a great way to introduce a middle school, high school, or college level class. This would be a fun way to start off the school year and see what students know and open up room for discussion. I think that another activity that would be fun would be to investigate each claim and have students get into groups to do so.


  1. Hey, where's the quiz? I think I'll probably fail it. Thanks for mentioning it - using it as a start-of-year thing sounds like a good idea.

  2. Those were the ones that I got wrong, too. I think it's just some things that most people don't know.

  3. @ David, the URL for the quiz is in the course calendar for the first week (at least I think it was, lol). @ Linsley- the quiz isn't my favorite, but it is one of the shorter ones out there and it does get us to thinking. I believe that the scientists are still not certain about those pesky moths and their light loving flights. It's a best guess right now till we can talk to them!

  4. I can't get the quiz to work for me! I was excited to take it and see how smart I am (or not!). So why do moths fly toward light? I'm curious now...check my blog to see if I find an answer. ;)
