Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Blue Flame University

Tonight, we had a special guest, Cliff Swoape,  from Middle Tennessee Natural Gas.

Mr. Swoape gave a presentation that he gives to 4th grade students about natural gas. It was really captivating and helped us all brush up on our gas skills.

Natural gas is one of the cleanest of all fossil fuels. There are pipelines all throughout America, some of the main areas are in Louisiana and Oklahoma. One way to show kids how long the pipeline is is to use straws and put them together from one end of the room to the next. What a great visual to show distance!

I found it interesting that fracturing causes less damage to the Earth than the traditional drilling that is done. With fracturing, only one hole is drilled rather than many holes in the same spot, and then many tiny holes are drilled in between the shale to get the natural gas.

I also thought it was neat that by using natural gas in cars, that they would average less than $2 a gallon. How wonderful would that be? Where could I get a car like that? 

One of the many neat visuals Mr. Swoape brought with him was the pipes that had been damaged due to construction type vehicles and even animals! A main point to remember from tonight's less is to leave the pipe and call 811. Being smart and safe around natural gas is the number one thing to keep in mind.

Don't forget, call before you dig! 811

1 comment:

  1. That really was a neat demonstration. I can see why schools ask him back every year. I had no idea that there was a number to call before you dig!
