Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Ocean Floor


This is a photo of the ocean floor in the Caribbean, how gorgeous is that? The ocean floor is a place where many do not get the opportunity to go and I think it is such a great thing to teach about. Things are more beautiful than just the surface, and I think teaching children this early on is important.

There are several parts of the ocean floor that my group and I will be covering tomorrow with the class. While preparing for this lesson, I had to re familiarize myself with the parts ocean floor. I think that all of us at some point learned this material, but it is easily forgotten as time goes by. My goal for our presentation is to create memories of learning that you can implement into your future classroom. 

If only we could take a field trip to the Caribbean for our presentation, then I think we would all remember the lesson!

1 comment:

  1. Y'all gave me some great ideas with this lesson tonight. So many great connections for this topic, and Play-Doh to boot. Thank you!
